When making payments, please use your invoice as a reference, and if possible send us an email so we can track your payment.
Direct Deposit Payments into our Bank Account
NAB – BSB: 082506, Account Number: 153423039, Account Name: Quikshade Australia Pty Ltd
You can create a BPay account to make your payment by clicking on this link
If you wish to pay by cheque, please make cheques payable to Quikshade Australia Pty Ltd, please send cheques to Quikshade Australia Pty Ltd, 10 Cassino Drive, Casino, NSW 2470
Payments can also be made via PayPal – please click on this link to open the PayPal Payment page or log in to your PayPal account and make your payment to sales@quikshade.com.au
Just as no 2 beers are the same, nor are 2, 3m x 3m tents the same! Especially the QuikShade®. Please take the time to read a few points about the ‘real’ differences, because it makes a world of difference to the end result of your investment.
Telephone: 1800 678 982
Fax: (02) 66628082
Email: sales@quikshade.com.au
10 Cassino Drive,
NSW 2470